Aaarhgghhh..... akhirnya bisa juga mengupload photo2 d blog neuy
Setelah masuk kuliah 1 minggu (3 minggu libur smester), q n anak2 kos punya niatan utk jlan2. Tp anehnya niatan ne hnya niatan kilat kq.
Bingung kah???? ya wes langsung z km lhat photo2 spanjang perjalanan q dngan mreka
I hope u enjoy n happy :))
Cwe yg gk pke jilbab t nmanya Leila
Cwe yg pangku tas biru t tuch nmanya Irsha , tp q panggil dy Icha
Cwe yg berkrudung pink tua dkat dindind Mbk Uli
N cwe terakhir is my self, Ditha (cwe berkrudung pink pnuh dngan senyuman) :)
:) Ne kami lgi makan di slah satu resto d mall Malang, Jawa Timur.
:) Icha sibuk dngan posenya, sdngkan Mbk Uli "sok jaim" wktu Leila menawarkan minuman k dy.
Skedar info ne guys, minuman yg dtawrkan Leila k mbk Uli t punya q, mknya mbk Uli nolak (pdhal dlm hati Mbk Uli ngarep bgt bwt minum minuman yg q pnuya)
Mbk Uli peace yach :)
:) si Icha t cwe yg angkat kresek putih. Km mw tahu ta mngenai isi d tas tuch?
(skedar info sobat, kresek putih t berisi tas. Eittttsss... tasnya murah meriah kq. Rp 10.000 dpat 3 tas.
wkwkwkkwk, anda percaya?)
:) weleh ...weleh... t kresek putih benar2 mengganggu pemandangan z. but it was very useful to us. Do you know why? because the plastic content of essential goods. :)
:) hahahhaha... lihatt gbr ne yg paling lucu. Qta bertiga (Q, mbk Uli, n Leila) menikmati minuman yg qt beli. tapi setelah hitung2 pengeluaran qta slama d mall, laht t wjah Mbk Uli.
she was very upset with himself. because she had spent her money on shopping.
it's my photo with them. though weary walk in the mall for 6 hours, spend a lot of time, and spend the money for sure. We really enjoyed this trip.
I really hope we can walk again but not to the mall yaaaacchh.... the sights alone (as cost-effective and also less likely to spend).